The story of the woman walking down the street

“If you do good, you do good for your own souls.” (Qur’an 17:7)

One day a great mystic was walking down the street when a shopkeeper started hurling compliments at her saying, “Oh my Lord, you are the most beautiful women in the world! I have never laid my eyes on someone as angelic as you! Let me be your most sincere lover for my heart belongs only to you.” The wise mystic said, “Oh you think I am beautiful you should look behind me at my sister who is far more beautiful.” The man at once turned his head to see who she was talking about. The mystic then slapped him across the face with her bag and said, “How pathetic and insincere is your love that upon hearing something that sounded better you heart turned quickly away.” I always think this story is such a beautiful reminder of how sincere we are called to be in our relationship with God. True love is not conditional. True love sees beyond the forms, it sees something more than the eyes can capture. If we say that we love Allah that means that no job offer, person, or temptation makes us look passed Him. Loving God means we keep our eyes on Him, regardless of how good the ego and devils temptations may sound to our minds. Loving God means seeing Him first before we see anything else.


The story of Two Frogs in Milk


The story of the woman walking down the street