The Qur’an Can Change You

“This Books of Blessings We have sent down to you—so that they may meditate upon its signs, and that people of insight might take them to heart.” (38:29)

The idea that the words of the Qur’an can have a profound effect on the human being is wonderfully illustrated through the following story: A wealthy merchant invited a famous doctor and a Sheikh to dinner to ask them to help his sick daughter. The merchant asked the sheikh to pray for his daughter and the sheikh said, “I will read verses of the Qur’an for your daughter and ask my beloved Lord to heal her, leaving no trace of illness.” The famous doctor interrupted the Sheikh by saying, “Are you guys crazy? What is this non-sense? Science has advanced enough for us to know words don’t heal people, medicine heals people.” In response the Sheikh screamed, “You stupid man! What do you know about the healing power of God’s Word?” The surprised doctor’s face lit up in anger as he screamed with a vengeance, “How dare you call me stupid!” The Sheikh then said, “Oh please forgive me for calling you stupid. But did you notice how a simple word made you insanely angry? If a single word from a stranger can make your eyes red, your heart beat faster in rage, your adrenaline spike, and your blood vessels dilate making your blood pressure rise then surely God’s eternal and perfect Word has the power to heal.”


The Story of the sultan and the cucumber


Treat people how you would like to be treated