Fixing the Kaaba Wall

“As for those who walk straight He adds to their guidance and bestows upon them their piety.” (Qur’an 47:17)

One of the many reasons the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been respected and honored by Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide is due to his honesty and unique ability to find a peaceful resolution to conflicts that faced his community. There are several stories documenting the unique attributes depicting the character of the Prophet Muhammad  (pbuh). For example, after a fire had damaged parts of the Kaaba, the clans of Mecca decided to remove the sacred Black Stoneuntil renovations were finished. However, once the Kaaba walls were fixed the tribal leaders of Mecca began to argue over who would be given the honor of returning the Black Stone to its place.

Before the egos of the leaders resulted in escalated conflict, an elder suggested they accept the decision of the next man to come through the precincts of the Kaaba. As God had destined, Muhammad  (pbuh) who was not yet a prophet at the time, was the first man to walk in through the gates. After Muhammad (pbuh) heard the source of their conflict he took a piece of cloth, placed the Black Stone upon it and in order to honor each clan equally he asked every clan leader to grab a corner of the cloth. All the clansmen unified together and took the stone towards the Kaaba. Then Muhammad (pbuh) put the stone in its rightful place. Even five years before officially becoming a prophet, Muhammad  (pbuh) emulated an innate ability to creatively problem solve and build unity amongst the community while preserving the hearts of all those involved. From the very beginning of his life the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sought for ways to inspire peace and oneness among the creations of His Lord.

Practice: Take a brief moment and make a prayer of gratitude to Allah for sending the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a role model and guide of light.


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