Allah is always with you

“Do not fear for Allah is with us.” (Qur’an 09:40)

In the darkness of the night, beneath the blanket of depression, on the days you long for the desert to cover you with its blowing sands, on the nights you imagine ocean waves to grow to the height of mountains pulling you close into the depths of its soul in currents that none can escape, on the days the sadness is like a thousand knives masked in butterflies in your stomach, when the whole world is falling apart a wintery leaf at a time as you watch everyone who said they would be there leave like you are an autumn tree and the softest breeze of difficulty sheds you of all your protective layers, when you have nowhere else to turn, when every bridge you built was burned, when your heart is not broken but shattered into dust into a shape that can't be salvaged, when the moon is swallowed by the darkness of despair, when the sun sets into the ocean of your hopelessness when you feel like a dark ant on a dark stone in the darkest of nights do not be sad God sees you, God is here.

You do not have to find Him or seek for Him or deserve His presence because His proximity to you is not based on you and your actions but Him and His unconditional Love. Don't close your eyes, don't shut off your mind, don't pull the plug on your sensitive heart, stay soft no matter how hard it gets, stay open, no matter how many stones are chuck or wells you are thrown in or giants you face or tyrants come to oppress you or people mock you, trust the help will come, trust that Allah will open a way where no way could be seen. Oceans will part, floods will come, and elephants will kneel, because by the command of your Lord fire is made cool and camels emerge from stone so whatever your pain is, whatever despair you feel know that Allah is with you. That if He finds you lost He can guide you, that if He finds you poor He can make you rich, that with Him near no miracle is too far to reach so do not label anything impossible for He is the Creator of all that is. The peace you seek is sprouting from inside, be patient any day now it will push passed the fertile soil of the unseen, poking its head passed the surface of your consciousness. Just wait a little longer, your spring is just around the corner waiting to blossom, like a rose opens towards the light no matter how many nights you have to face to breathe in the dawn, promise me promise me you will unfold yourself when the light arrives. Promise me, promise me you will trust the Divine!


Allah’s blessings are infinite


Allah will always give more than you give